Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A long time ago !

Cindy and I have hit that 25 year mark on our marrige today ! We met in June of "84 and November 17th of "84 we were married...Yeah in 5 -1/2 months we knew we were ment for each other so why wait !
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I'm off this morning and she is working so I'll take her to lunch today so we can spend some time together.

Happy Anniversary Honey !

This what I'm getting into !
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My winter has changed because I'm on the roster for TIV#6 I hope the weather is good so I can get in as many miles outside that I can,if not it's going to be a lot of time sitting on the spinner down in the dungeon ! I need some more movies !

Mohica 100 is going to be June 5th next year so it works good with the I-74 series


Midz said...

Nice...I'll be ready for some ride time after 12/9 and I'm hopiong to get outside as much as possible, even if it meant the Kona or Nishiki on the road. Congrats on the anniversary!

mattonne said...

Congrats to you and the Mrs. Howie, WELL DONE. If I added BOTH wives together it'd be 16 years HAHAHAHHAHHAAA :)