Sunday, December 06, 2009

X-mas party 2009

PAMBA had their X-mas party last night and as always a good time was had by all,I drank my red bull and vodka and didn't get out of control...feel pretty good this morning.I need to cut some more wood this morning then jump on the spinner while watching football.

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See ya !


Midz said...

Who the hell is the chick with blue hair?

mattonne said...

THE SPINNER????!!! Tonight is the first SNOW RIDE of the season

Midz said...

They arte good for watching football!

Mike Howard said...

That was Bryn ! Bonnie's duaghter

Midz said...

Holy smokes...I didnt even recognize her!

Midz said...

Yo!! Update this thing would ya? How do I know you are training for TI?