Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Monday night ride

Midz and I enjoyed a nice ride yesterday after work the weather was great mid 70s and sunny.The way things look it might be the last warm day for awhile with a cold front moving in.I'm still planning on a 8 hr or more ride on Saturday morning,temps are only predicted in the mid 40s.

It's getting a little close to T-3 to be getting to crazy with the miles so I need to get my tapper down plans in order after this weekend.Most guys don't relize how much thats important on getting your legs feeling fresh and rested for a race ,my bad race at Farmdale last year is all I need to say.

The fuel that will get me through the season and I have not stop using since I first dicovered it two years ago.
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Midz and I taking off infront of the house and yes I cut the grass yesterday April 1st "crazy"
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Just to cool in my Tifosi's
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PAMBA prez. showed up in his PAMBA jersey and Hammer socks same as me ! WEIRD !
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As we were riding Midz said he missed our old 50 mile loop that he rode with Cindy and I on Sundays, me to and I hope we can Cindy back on the tandem soon and back to those Sunday rides !

See ya !


Anonymous said...

awwww you guys almost look like twins! jared

PaddyH said...

ola, i thought i didn't update much, but you win, it's april 17th how's the ti taper and/or cram session goin?