Friday, March 09, 2007

Long miles on the road

This weekend I should get some good road miles in,the plan starts with some intervals this morning.I plan on only a 1-1/4 ride to get the legs hurting then tomorrow morning after work I plan on a 60+ mile ride and the same thing for Sunday.

I'll keep kicking up the miles each weekend and by the end of March I want to be riding back to back 100 + miles.If the weather co-operates my weeks should look like this.

Monday- recovery ride
Tuesday- yoga-weightlifting
Wednesday-Hill Intervals
Friday- Intervals
Saturday-long road miles
Sunday-long road miles

Boy ! is all that wishfull thinking !

See ya !


Midz said...

I'm up for a recovery ride on Monday. Let me know.

Mike Howard said...

If weather is good around 4:00pm ?

Midz said...

I'm there!