Sunday, March 18, 2007

Time in the saddle

The main goal today was just getting some time on the bike no big gears or even going anaerobic,keep the h/r down and spend at least 5 hrs in the saddle.

I didn't get my ride in yesterday like I had planed so I'll get a couple in tomorrow after work I hope,we have a PAMBA metting tomorrow night so it might only be a quick recovery ride.Wednesday is a planed day on the bike to,I wonder what Rock Island Trail is looking like ?

I need to eat some Ice cream and cake for Stephanie's b-day GLAD I WENT ON MY RIDE !
I turn 46 on Tuesday I'm lucky I still have my health !

Trans-Iowa III 41 days away !!


Unknown said...

"I NEED to eat some icecream and cake".....

Me too, me too:)


Midz said...

Don't feel bad. Me and Stag killed off a stuffed pizza, wings and garlic cheese bread after Dirksen. I was in heaven!

Mike Howard said...

If you hurry squirrel their might be some left !

See ya tonight midz !