Saturday, January 28, 2006

Spinning Time

I took 2 days off of training ,but not because I need it ,but because of work. Thurday and Friday was 14 hr days with enough time to come home and shower, eat, and get to bed !

Jim came over at noon today and we hit the rollers for two hours and then I hit the pizza place !
I'll run it off in the morning , my diet beens pretty good I lost 6 pds this last couple of weeks. I hope to be close to 160 by May 1st.

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Tucker keeping an eye on me !


Midz said...

You no good, pizza eatin', SOB!!

Here I sat in the dark all night with no power, listening to the scanner and eating PBJ's.

I'll make up for it tomorrow at brunch and maybe a pizza in the p.m.

Mike Howard said...

Oh! was you hungry ? You just said it was dark ! Tom's favorite, large all gone before we left !!!!

11 mile's this morning on the treadmill took care of it, 2hrs 15min....pbj and scanner in the dark sounds romantic !!

Midz said...

I ended up doing the urban in Champaign. It was a good time.

Brunch before I left and mexican tonight in Champaign before I came home. The treadmill will greet me in the morning.

mattonne said...

Nice site Howie!

160lbs???? WTF, i'm trying like hell to get to 170 and its a struggle


Mike Howard said...

Hey Matt ! I started at 185 and that was way out of control.....Tony gets down into the 140 !!!!!!!!!!!!